First City Place



  • First City Place is a planned residential and commercial development situated in an outer precinct of Bangalore’s growing metropolis. Phase one includes a variety of residential building types with support retail and a community recreational and cultural center. This “Club House” is located on a central park which serves as the primary public space from which generous linear park tributaries extend into adjacent mix use blocks. Utilizing and salvaging a large inventory of mature Teak and Silver Wood trees, the open space network is organized around preserved woodlands and a storm water management riparian landscape typology that collects, filters water within a hierarchical streetscape design. The scale and continuity of the woodlands, juxtaposed with a continuous bio-swale and series of rain garden features, establishes a legible public landscape that contributes to a strong sense of place.

  • Credits: Sam Lawrence; Design team leader through Schematic Design as Principal / Sr. Project Manager with HMWhite

    Client: The Vatika Group